Monday, October 6, 2008

So, Dreams Be Dreams...

I think it was Dr. Seuss that said:

"You know you're in love because you can't fall asleep
because reality is finally better than your dreams."

I think I'm experiencing the inverse.  I think I forgot what it was like to have someone make you feel warm inside, like you are all that matters.  I think this chance encounter, in a dream, was the start of new beginnings.  Up until this point I always thought things would fall back into place, not now, but maybe years from now.  Now I know, I need to move on and start from scratch.  I've done it before, I'll do it again.  Until then maybe we'll meet in my dreams, or maybe, in yours.

Man I sound like a girl... Damn I hate being a hopeless romantic...

So I guess all I can say is

Keep dreaming space cowboys...

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