Tonight as I watched Sara Palin address the Republican National Convention one idea came into my head. Her family would make a great ABC Family program. With great shows like "The Secret Life of the American Teenager," there should be lots of viewers eager to see a similar program.
This idea came to me kind of as a joke, but the more I watched her the more it just seemed to fit. It has similar hooks to "The Secret Life of the American Teenager." For example, both shows would feature pregnant teens and siblings with special needs, but only "The Sara Palin Show" would feature the rise of a mother moving from PTA, where she takes out the sex education and puts back in prayer back in our schools, to candidate for Vice president where she can run on her 20 months of experience. Each episode could feature cutaways from Bristol Palin's belly, a boy friend who talks about how much he "fucking loves hockey," and of course Sara Palin's adorable accent. How could this show go wrong?
I understand this is a low blow on a political candidate attacking not only her, but her family and their friends. But, really I just don't care. I don't understand how she took the stage at the RNC and got the applause for the shit that comes out of her mouth. I really don't care about how she sold her jet and fired her cook, but those would make great episodes of TSPS. I can't believe McCain picked Sara Palin when he had candidates like Rudy Giuliani and Mit Romney eager for the job. For the love of god please don't let this joke of a politician be our first woman president.
yea I'm bitter, it's just one of those weeks...
Goodnight space cowboys...